As I mentioned earlier, I found a raw food restaurant in Boulder (Colorado), the Organic Orbit Eco Food Cafe, and was very excited.

So as to not mislead you, Organic Orbit’s menu is not entirely raw, but that they have a section of their menu devoted to raw food is good enough for me, in a town that ought to boast several raw restaurants but, until the Organic Orbit Eco Food Cafe, had exactly zero.

I decided that the first thing that I would try would be their raw Golden Beet Ravioli.

Their menu describes it as: golden beets, cashew herb creme, blueberry marinara, and chive oil.

I describe it as absolutely divine.

This is due primarily – if not entirely – to Organic Orbit’s new Chef, Daniel Asher. Asher, who arrived in Boulder from Chicago just six weeks ago, is quickly ensuring that his new hometown of Boulder is going to love him. With 16 years in the culinary field, and an extensive background in raw, vegan, and vegetarian food, Asher is exactly what Boulder has needed.

But back to the raw ravioli.

Incredible. Fantastic.

This is my new favourite food, and Chef Daniel is my new best friend. If you are anywhere near Boulder, or passing through Boulder, you simply must check out the Organic Orbit Eco Food Cafe (they are at the corner of Broadway and Yarmouth, right next to Amante).

And please, tell them that we sent you.

Oh, here’s a picture of that ravioli – in my haste to try it, I didn’t remember to take the picture until I’d already eaten one – but I’m sure once you taste it, you’ll understand and forgive me.

P.S. For dessert I had their raw avocado chocolate mousse – Chef Daniel puts raw cocao nibs in it, and drizzles a bit of honey on top, and it is ohmygawd good.