Even though I was aware of Samson Juicers (heck, Samson Juicers are some of the finest available, and the Samson Ultra reviews are glowing), for the longest time I put off getting a dedicated juicer. Why, I reasoned, with my wonderful Vitamix, would I need or get a stand-alone juicer?
And, let’s face it, the Samson Ultra, the one I would want, is not cheap. It’s not for everybody.
But then two events conspired to land a Samson Ultra Juicer in my lap. The first was that a friend of ours offered us a huge amount of concord grapes, fresh from her garden. Concord grapes with seeds, which meant that they weren’t likely to get eaten up very quickly, and we couldn’t just plop them into the VitaMix to juice them.
That lead me to lament how we didn’t have that Samson Ultra Juicer, and on a lark I checked eBay, and just happened to find someone selling one that had been used only once, and she was letting it go for a song. I mean, it was a good price. So I bought it.
And am I glad that I did!
This thing could juice a Chevy!
Twin gear juicers have a reputation for making some of the best juice, and being the most difficult to clean. The Samson Ultra is actually surprisingly easy to clean (at least relatively speaking), in large part because it comes apart so easily.
That said, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Even though the Samson comes with a cleaning brush, buy one of these:

Actually buy a few of them, they’re only .50 each!
These soft nail brushes will make cleaning your Samson twin gear juicer a snap!
Anyways, I know that what you really want to know about is the juice.
Oh, the juice!
The first thing I tried juicing was an apple. The juice was fantastic! It was like the wonderful cider I remember from back east, rather than the thin, clear stuff kids drink nowadays.
The Samson Ultra Juicer also makes nut butter, grinds nuts, and does a bunch of other things. So I next ground up some pecans (I didn’t turn them into nut butter, but that’s next!) It’s amazing how easily and quickly the Samson grinds nuts!
And then, the grapes arrived. Being able to juice all those grapes, seeds and all, just tossing them into the juicer, was a treat.
I now have 2 quarts of fresh pressed concord grape juice in my fridge, and it is fanastic! I also have two trays of concord grape fruit leather going in the dehydrator.
I am so very glad that I got this juicer!
Oh, I’ll still use my VitaMix to make whole juice, but there is definately a place in my heart – and a spot on my counter – for our new Samson Ultra Juicer.